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Open in 2017 the gym was able to re-use space that was previously the changing rooms at Dursley Rugby Club.
Converting the building from a shower block to a fully functional gym, most of the work was done by Daryl his 
friends family and clients who all pulled together to create a unique customer focused gym experience.
As far as we know we are the only gym in the Stroud area with a dedicated outside workout space.
But the story doesn't start there.

Business owner Daryl Cross has been in the coaching industry for fifteen years.
Working with a huge variety of clients from professional boxers, rugby players, 
MMA fighters, football teams, rugby teams, and Great British trampolinists 
as well as a huge cross section of the general public.
Use our Signature Training Systems to get the results you always wanted.

The business is driven by the passion for helping people PERFORM BETTER.
The hard work is paying off after an audit from the English Rugby Football Union .
The auditor commented that it was
"The best run, and best quipped community club gym they have seen!"

The story doesn't end there new studio space to open soon!
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